Unit 5.3 Assignment 1: A Case Study

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5.3.3 OTP process
One time password technique is used to verify any user login in the system. OTP code will be sent to email address and phone number of every user in the system as shown in Figures 5.7 and 5.8.

Figure 5.7 OTP code in the email address

Figure 5.8 OTP code in the phone number

5.3.4 Available Roles in The System There are three roles in our implementation to manage the whole system and complete the main objective of the application which is to provide excellent services to users over cloud computing. Figures 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11 illustrate the roles in NG-Cloud: User, Data Owner and Administrator Roles.

Figure 5.9 Administrator Role

Figure 5.10 User Role

Figure 5.11 Data Owner Role

5.4 Security Functions Of The Proposed Model
Our proposed model achieves the security functions. We implemented the security functions in the NG-Cloud simulation as following: …show more content…

To avoid problems of identification and authentication, we need strong authentication over the system. PKG has the main role in authentication because PKG is the trusted third party between users and data owners in the system. PKG gives a public user key (user ID) for each data owner and gives a private key to each user in the system. We will provide two authentication techniques in this simulation; the CAPATCHA and the OTP. The CAPATCHA technique is used to provide the security of the system. When a user or data owner wants to login the system, he should type this code to complete the process of login as shown in Figures 5.1 and 5.2. The OTP code will be sent to the email address and phone number to provide the authentication and security of the system. An example of OTP code to user or data owner is sent to his email address and phone number as shown in Figures 5.7 and

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