Unit 7 T2

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T2: Children and Young People 's Play and Learning Play is when a child or anyone for that matter can be inventive, creative and be free to do what they want during play. They can do what they think when playing, getting across the way they feel. Play is possibly the one main process which can let your imagination roam freely and forgetting about reality. I will also be discussing theorists and their theories associated with play, evaluating and assessing it 's effect on practice. Children are greatly affected by their play, as it can increase their holistic development and general everyday skills. "Play is so critically important to all children in the development of their physical, social, mental, emotional and creative skills that …show more content…

The framework states that every individual child will be observed on a certain topic. For example, a child being observed for their speech and language, behaviour or physical. Observations outline the weaker skills that each child contains and it will give the practitioners an idea of what the child needs to develop on for them to improve on their skills. Through observations, it outlines the full potential each child has so that the practitioner has an understanding to not have high expectations from each child as they may not be at that stage of development. The practitioners will find is easier to plan activities once they have an idea of each child 's potential as activities will then be planned to improve their weaker skills. When observations are being carried out, it will give the practitioner an idea of what interests the children, the practitioner will put this into consideration as activities will be planned around the interests of the child for them to improve their …show more content…

Observations will be carried out throughout the year on various of children as it is an easier way to assess their individual needs. For example, the practitioner challenging the children with activities which will increase the child 's development and skills. With the assessment framework, they come under 3 headings: Baseline assessments is assessments that are being shared with the parents of the children to ensure they are settling into the new setting and the children has many different rights in expressing their feelings and showing facial expressions. The summative assessment: is an assessment being consistency completed and that the information is being passed onto the right people and no information is misled. Formative assessment: is where children are given various opportunities and learning new