What Is Meant By A Child Centred Approach In Health And Social Care Essay

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In a childcare setting you must ensure that you are planning around the child to make a child centred approach, so this could be for in a day nursery taking into account of the child’s usual routines to liaise with parents to achieve the same goal and meet the individual needs of the child, another thing this could be is to carry out observations to see if the child is progressing well and meeting their milestones on time, or quicker than expected or if the child is delayed in any areas throughout the early milestones of the child in order to plan around the results of the observation to help the child achieve his/her milestones. You must always ensure that you are putting the child first in the setting as all children’s individual needs should be met and also at a private day nursery the parents are who funds the setting, if a parent isn’t pleased by what is going on in the setting and how the child is being treated or the routine of the day then they parent may remove the child from the day nursery in order to find somewhere more beneficial to the child. …show more content…

Another important thing within a childcare or any setting is to ensure that confidentiality is maintained for the protection of the child in which there would there is a data protection act in place to ensure this. “The data protection act was developed to give protection and lay down rules about how data about people can be used.” (BBC