2.3 Explain The Main Differences Between Communicating With Children

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3 Explain the main differences between communicating with adults and communicating with children and young people

There are differences when communicating with children, as opposed to adults, but we must always remember that we are all individuals.
Effective communication involves children being able to understand the language needed to: understand concepts; participate in problem solving and develop ideas and opinions. We need to be able to use language effectively in order to encourage and extend thinking and learning.
When communicating with children we need to be clear so they understand what is expected of them, keeping it short and to the point, so they don’t lose interest or concentration.
When communicating with adults we need to be respectful and consider their point of view in order to establish a rapport based on mutual respect and trust. When communicating with parents, we must respect their …show more content…

This information must be passed on to the relevant member of staff and they will then inform the parents/careers and any outside agencies such as social services and the police, so that they can investigate and keep the child safe from harm. Although confidentiality is important there are times when it is in the best interest of the child to disclose this information. Failing to do this will only harm the child/young person if the allegation is correct because the abuse or neglect will continue. If a child/young person or adult is taken ill and needs urgent medical treatment, then information must be given to the medical staff in case they have any medical history or have any allergies and also to contact their next of