Explain The Importance Of Integrated Working With Children And Young People

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Integrated working is where everyone supporting children, young people and families works together effectively to put them at the centre, meet their needs and improve their lives. Integrated working is at the centre of making a real difference to the lives of children, young people and their families and it is a central, key part of the Every Child Matters agenda and the One Children’s Workforce Framework. It involves everyone who works with children and young people, whether employed, self-employed or voluntary and it is important that we contact and utilise other professionals to help to gather all available information and expertise to fulfil the child’s needs and to meet the Every Child Matters outcomes. By working together with different sectors, professionals and agencies we can help improve the outcomes for children in their development and learning. If everyone involved in the child's care can share key information about the child such as their likes and dislikes, developmental stages and additional needs, it means that the child will have more consistency and feel more included and provided for at each setting. Professionals who may be part of the team include: •Professionals within the school setting- These include the head teacher, deputy head teacher, …show more content…

This means that we should consider both how we approach others and how we respond to them. We are more likely to communicate information to one another if we have positive relationships. The child involved, the parents and all outside agencies involved in the team are more likely to give beneficial support if communication is strong and effective and this, in turn, benefits the child involved and ensure that they receive the best support possible. Effective communication involves positive body language, being clear on key points and listening to