Working In Partnership Essay

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There are many reasons for working in partnership with other professionals or people inside or outside of the setting. The most important reason for this is to meet the needs of the child, working with partnerships supports this because it allows for smoother transitions, continuity between partners and building relationships with the child’s parents or carers to learn more about the child as parents know the children best. To extend on this, some benefits of working in partnerships with children are also salient when properly safeguarding the child, for example keeping up to date with what is happening outside the setting. This is especially important in cases with vulnerable children, learning more about their home life through shared information, …show more content…

It allows you to understand home life which is important when considering children’s cultures, beliefs, likes and dislikes which are important to include in activities to encourage children to participate and build their development. We have daily chats with parents which build this repertoire and benefit us because parents feel more involved when we discuss what they have done and enjoyed during the day. They may also share information about why a child has had an upset day which gives us a better understanding and supports the child’s wellbeing with better context, this is especially important with vulnerable children or those who are experiencing unexpected transitions such as a family bereavement. In these situations, partnerships are salient to best support the child’s wellbeing within the setting and ensure the parents have the correct resources for supporting themselves. In my setting, we would recommend early pathways which is our local family support system. Providing parents with this information supports their wellbeing and works synonymously to support the child’s wellbeing. To further build the partnership with parents we can run workshops for parents, allow them to be parent governors and invite them on school trips. Another technique for building partnership relations with parents is to have home visits. This would benefit the child’s well-being by working in partnership with children because we can gain so much information about the child and their home life, it can also be settling for children to see parents and professionals have a good relationship by reducing anxieties and feeling safe in their care. This information we learn can help us understand a child’s behaviour and the family will feel involved and respected when asking about their thoughts and opinions about the child and