Unit Code: SITXFSA101

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ASSESSMENT TOOL 1 (Written Assessment)

Unit Name: Use hygiene practices for food safety

Unit Code: SITXFSA101

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

1. Student Instructions

Student Instructions

You are required to complete this assessment task and two (2) others to be deemed competent in this unit.

Once you feel confident you are ready to attempt the assessment, inform your trainer/assessor to arrange a suitable time to undertake the selected assessment tasks.

You will in completing this assessment reveal your knowledge, understanding and attitude to food safety.

The evidence you submit must be your own, where you have used information from various sources, you must provide references that are verifiable.

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The Summary Assessment Cover Page follows on from the Assessment Task.

Student Declaration

All students submitting assessments must make a statement about the authenticity of the work they are submitting on the Assessment Summary Cover Page.

You will be required to sign and date the declaration.

2. Assessment Task

Student Name:

Q 1 What is the aim of “Food standard code”?

Q 2 Who is responsible for organizational hygiene procedure?

Q 3 List three unsafe hygiene practices in hospitality industry.

Q 4 Define hazards and classify into three main categories.

Q 5 Explain each hazard categories with an example and provide removal procedures for each example you have given.

Hazards Removal procedure
1. Biological

2. Physical

3. Chemical

Q 6 Whom would you report to if any hazards identified?

Q 7 Give four personal hygiene standards for food handlers.

Q 8 Why is it important to maintain personal hygiene?

Q 9 How biological contamination can lead to a serious health

More about Unit Code: SITXFSA101