There are many acts of true greatness that were on display aboard flight United 93 during the tretorous beginning of 9/11. Here are some of the passengers stories. United 93: “Mark, this is your mom. It 's 10.54 a.m. The news is that it 's been hijacked by terrorists. They are planning to probably use the plane as a target to hit some site on the ground. If you possibly can, try to overpower these guys, if you can, 'cause they 'll probably use the plane as a target. I would say go ahead and do everything you can to overpower them, because they 're hellbent. Try to call me back if you can. You know the number here. OK. I love you, Sweetie. Bye." Hoagland, Mark’s mother was a flight attendant for United Airlines, he called his mother using the GTE Airphone to tell her about his current situation. She was not able to get to his call as soon as she’d like to and by the time she was at the phone he hung up. Listening to the message she turned on the television and began to be filled with emotion because she was now aware that her son was on a plane with suicide bombers; almost …show more content…
Preparing for their counter attack, passengers were gathering what they could to try to save their lives. Although some new that it might be their last day, they were prepared to do something about it. Filling boiling water with some pitchers and rushing towards the cockpit, the terrorists try to shift the plane to break them of their balance. Fearing that they would soon break into the cockpit, they decided to abandon their main goal dive the plane into the ground. Recordings clarify that the pilot say “Yes, put it in it, and pull it down.” They never did make it to their destination and we don 't know what their intended target was, fearing Flight 93’s passengers, the plane hit the ground at five hundred eighty miles per hour into an empty field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. It’s unclear what destination the terrorist were aiming to hit. It is said that they were