United Nations After Ww2

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United Nations, commonly abbreviated as UN, was created during 1945. Some say it followed the League of Nations from World War II. Its primary goal was to be a world peacekeeping organization. The United States, along with 49 other nations, signed the charter, hoping to promote peace and human dignity. To this day, UN members collaborate and meet to resolve problems around the world.
President Truman established the Truman Doctrine in March, which helped Greece and Turkey fight communist threats by helping their economy and military. The plan succeeded, which encouraged other countries to fight communism. The Marshall Plan was Secretary of State George Marshall’s plan to help European countries by providing aid from America. President Truman …show more content…

The war began when South Korea was attacked by North Korean communists. America got involved with the United Nations, which drove North Korea back. During the war, China got involved. The war ended in 1953 by President Eisenhower. To this day, Korea remains divided.
The Warsaw Pact was the form of the Soviet Union’s retaliation to NATO. The pact created an alliance between the Soviet Union and most Eastern European countries, which established the two sides of the war.
The Soviet Union developed a new and successful way to launch nuclear weapons, which surprised America. In October, the Soviet Union successfully launched the first artificial satellite into space, further concerning America. These events sparked America to improve its space program in order to also launch satellites, which formed a “space race” between the nations. During this time, NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was formed by President …show more content…

Khrushchev approved the construction of the Berlin Wall, which was built in only four days. The wall was guarded by Eastern German soldiers, who would shoot attempted escapees. The Berlin Wall came to symbolize the Cold War and further illustrated the divide between Europe.
President Lyndon B. Johnson passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in response to a North Vietnamese torpedo attack on an American ship in the gulf. The resolution changed the United States’s response from advocation to action, starting the longest war America has ever seen.
President Nixon visited China, which ended the strain between the United States and China, and created a formal diplomatic relationship. President Nixon also visited the Soviet Union, which eased tension and created a policy known as detente, or relaxation.The policy lead both America and the Soviet Union to sign an agreement that restricted nuclear weapons and promoted trade.
During this year, President Nixon chose to bring back American troops from Vietnam due to public protests.initially, he tried to win the war by sending more troops. However, his attempt was ineffective; therefore he had to withdraw the troops, leaving South Vietnam to fight on their