Us Constitution Dbq

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The united states constitution was starting to develop on May 25th in 1787, it was ratified on May 29th 1790. The constitution took three years to be ratified by all the colonies. The reason for this was because there were so many issues needing to be resolved between the different groups in the states, the federalists and the antifederalists, the north and the south, and all of these very contradicting groups. None of these groups actually agreed on anything and for the most part they believed the complete opposite of their counterpart. There were many compromises that had to be made in order for the constitution to be agreed upon and for the system of government that we have now to be created. The most important compromise made during this …show more content…

In this particular compromise the disagreement is between the northern and southern states. The southern states favored state control over the regulation of trade while the south favored federal regulation of all trades. This issue was settled by deciding that the federal government regulates trade between states and other countries, and allowing the state government to regulate the trade within the state. The next conclusion they came to was about the slave trade. The south feared a federal ban on the slave trade, which they did not want to happen under any circumstances. The northern states individually had started to ban slavery, this concerned the south and it became a topic of discussion for the commerce compromise. In the end the north and south agreed on having no ban on the slave trade for the next twenty years. This allowed the south satisfaction with their businesses and the way they ran their farming at the time and also had benefits to the government, such as the ability to tax the imported slaves. This did not really affect the north because 95% of the slaves in the country were in the south. This also gave the south twenty years to figure out what they would do when they slave trade was going to most likely be stopped in 1808. After the slave trade was banned, later on, the slave population kept …show more content…

There were three main compromises made during the creation and process with the constitution in the united states. The two other compromises were the great compromise and the three-fifths compromise. These were both important, but the commerce was the most important. The great compromise encompassed the ideas behind how the government would be run, the way the houses would work and how the states would be represented. This ended with the conclusion between the bigger and smaller states that there were to be two houses. They also agreed, within the two houses the upper house would be equal in representation (senate) and in the lower house the representation would be based on the population (the house of representatives). The three-fifths compromise went over the main idea of slaves, how they would be taxed, and if they would count as a representative in the system of votes and representatives in the government. The end result was the agreement between the north and the south that slaves would count as three-fifths of a person. These compromises were very significant, but the reason why the commerce compromise is the most influential and important is because it kept the country together. If the commerce compromise had not been created, agreed upon or made the north and south come together and connect, then there is a possibility that the united states of America, as it is today, could be