
Universal Concept Of Poverty In The House On Mango Street

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CPT Universal Concept Academic Research and Analysis: Overcoming the Struggles of Poverty in The House on Mango Street
Poverty affects millions of people worldwide, and it can be defined as the lack of access to essential resources such as food, shelter, and clothing. The universal concept of overcoming the struggles of poverty is overcoming adversity and finding the strength to persevere through difficult times while emerging stronger on the opposite end. People who live in poverty often lack access to education, making it difficult to break the cycle of poverty. Nonetheless, when people are given the opportunity to obtain new skills and gain knowledge, they are better equipped to find employment and create an improved life for themselves …show more content…

This quotation relates to the universal concept of overcoming the struggles of poverty as it highlights the challenges that the protagonist, Chris Wilson faces such as growing up in poverty, being incarcerated as a teenager, and struggling to find employment as support after his release from prison. Despite these obstacles, Wilson is able to improve his life and become a successful entrepreneur. The source depicts how people can overcome poverty and adversity through hard work, resilience, and perseverance. In addition, the novel emphasizes the importance of education and mentorship in helping people overcome poverty as Wilson credits his success to the mentors and teachers who helped him along his journey. The universal concept of overcoming the struggles of poverty is evident in this source as it highlights the challenges and obstacles that Chris Wilson faces in his efforts to succeed. This is similar to The House on Mango Street as Esperanza portrays the importance of communal support and the role that her family and friends play in helping her overcome poverty. The Master Plan and The House on Mango Street are stories of inspiration that show how people can overcome poverty and adversity through hard work, resilience, and perseverance. Overall, these works of literature are stories of hope and inspiration that show how people can …show more content…

The protagonist, Kino, is an impoverished pearl diver who discovers a valuable pearl that he hopes will enable him to provide a better life for his family. However, the discovery of the pearl leads to a series of tragic events that ultimately leave Kino worse off than he was before. The novel highlights the challenges that people from impoverished backgrounds face in their efforts to improve their lives. Kino's poverty limits his opportunities and forces him to take risks to provide for his family, however, these risks ultimately lead to his downfall. The Pearl by John Steinbeck and The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros are both works of literature that explore the concepts of poverty, family, and the struggle for self-determination. In The House on Mango Street, Esperanza's family struggles with poverty while dreaming of a better life for herself and her loved ones. Both works of literature highlight the challenges that people from impoverished backgrounds face in their efforts to improve their lives. This is evident as Kino and Esperanza both dream of a better life for themselves and their families, but they face significant obstacles and setbacks along the way. Despite these challenges, they both demonstrate resilience and determination in their efforts to overcome poverty and improve their lives. At the beginning of the novel, Esperanza

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