Unknown Solid Lab Report

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When given unknown solid the main objective is to find what the unknown solid is.To figure out what the unknow solid is it was put through some tests and trial to figure out what was the unknown solid.Chemistry is part of everyday life and the reason to investigate unknown solids is to ensure we're not in contact or consume dangerous chemicals .Other people were given an unknown substance and were trying to figure out what there unknown solid was as well and there was duplicates of the same solids.The goal is to find the group that best matches our result and compare to see if the compound is the same. Introduction The physical property of the unknown substance given was a white clumpy powder.The first test was testing the electric conductivity of the substance.To show the conductivity of the substance we mixed it in water and tested the solution with a conductivity meter.To check the conductivity of the solid it was put in a small dish and was tested with the conductive meter.Then t o check solubility of the unknown solid it was mixed into a small amount of water to see test solubility.The next text was to conduct a ph test using some aqueous solution of the unknow solid we applied that to a ph paper strip to show ph.Another test was checking the solid’s reactivity.Using water mixed with …show more content…

All solids were soluble in water but the only group that didn’t was group 8.Most of the groups had a acidity of either basic or neutral acidity.The data that matches our data is group 7.Our test for the time for melting time was the solid that took the longest to melt then the group

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