Us Involvement In The Vietnam War Essay

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Vietnam war is a conflict that lasted from 1954-1975 between the communist government of North Vietnam and government of South Vietnam. To have a respectable understanding of the Vietnam war, we must rewind all the way back to the late 1800s when France was colonizing South East Asia. And it colonized what is now Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia and they were collectively called French Indochina. France was quickly overrun by the Germans. The Vietnamese wanted their independence. So, liberation movement rose which was led by the Viet Minh and Viet Minh was led by Ho Chi Minh. Eventually, the Japanese took control over Indochina, over Vietnam. But by the time 45 rolls around, or at least the end of 45 and we know that the United States defeated Japan. …show more content…

At the time of presidency of Ngo Dinh, the United States was positively inclined to President Dinh. The reason for this was believed to be an anticommunism. There was a theory that US naval ship (Maddox) was attacked by North Vietnamese boats in the gulf of Tonkin. That’s why Congress gave permission to officially send US troops at the war. But this entire incident was considered as fake incident or drama. So, just because of this, they got officially into war. By 1967, USA had 5 million soldiers at the war with Vietnam. It started huge bombing campaigns. They also used chemical agents like Napalm and agent orange for burning down forest to spot hidden Vietnamese soldiers. But the Viet Cong launched surprise attack on major army base and US embassy of Saigon. This was considered as turning point in the war because USA realized that Viet Cong were still strong and could win the war. So, the first time in history, US citizens went against the US government blaming to give them false statement about they would surely win the war. So, anti-war sentiment took place in USA that turned the public perception against the government. By 1973, USA exited the war within the starting of Richard Nixon presidency. By 1975, North Vietnam captured Saigon. Then, North and South Vietnam unified which is known as socialist Republic of

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