Utilitarian's Views On Abortion

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When hearing about abortion it normally has something to do with politics. It is a debate whether it should be against the law or if it should stay legal. A utilitarian’s view on abortion can go either way. They could view it has morally wrong by saying to does not cause an overall happiness. It could also be viewed morally right, because it could cause an overall happiness. There are also different types of utilitarian from act-utilitarian to rule-utilitarian.
Abortion is the termination of a fetus, removing it completely which will ultimately cause its death. A utilitarian would define it as what it is the overall happiness with everyone involved. A big debate is that the fetus is innocent human being. (Crome, K) Arguments are made that …show more content…

A woman might decide to get an abortion due to the women having physical health problems, or that she was raped and cannot live with the pain of carrying the fetus. The mother might want an abortion due to that the baby will not live that long after it’s born. She could not live with the pain knowing that the baby will die and decide to get an abortion, to end the suffering early. An act-utilitarian could also disagree with abortions. A mother could end up with a lot of pain if she had an abortion. Not only would it cause pain for the mother but also the family. (Doing Ethics pg.167) If it causes pain for the family than an abortion would not be considered morally permissible. Therefore they would be against …show more content…

The Supreme Court made it the state’s decision on certain parts of the abortion. All most all countries after 1967 had legalized abortion in some way. The only country was Ireland that had not allowed abortions. Argument against this has been that the fetus can survive after a certain amount of time in the womb, known as viability. There has been a fetus that has survived after only five months of gestation in the women’s womb. That the Supreme Court’s ruling is wrong by going by trimesters to decide the cut of date to get an abortion. The Supreme Court has it viability with in the second and third trimester. (Practical Ethics pg.140) People argue that with this law, that abortions are killing innocent fetus’s that could survive out of the