Utopian Society In Brave New World

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Throughout Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the individual soon realizes the Utopian society created in the novel. The reader notices that the people in the novel do not think for themselves and that they conform to the society created for them by an individual known as “Ford”. Neil Postman’s argument is very accurate in this sense. It is true that Aldous Huxley “was trying to tell us that what the afflicted people in Brave New World was not that they were laughing instead of thinking, but that they did not know what they were laughing about and why they had stopped thinking.” From being created in a Hatchery center, to consuming soma to prevent one from thinking and having feelings, the people in Brave New World were not their own person, …show more content…

This process prevents the individual to be unique, since everyone from that one egg will grow ninety-six humans (Huxley 6). By doing this, it was easier to control individuals because the government didn’t have to use other techniques to control the people in society. Unlike children born to a family, the individuals had an almost identical genetic makeup. In order to continue to use “Bokanovsky’s Process”, the individuals in Brave New World are taught, from “Our Ford” that “family life was dangerous” (Huxley 39). It allowed the government to be able to teach everyone how to think since everyone was so similar genetically (depending on the social class the person is in). As well as this, in order to be able to prevent viviparous children, the government taught the individuals that “everyone belongs to everyone else” (Huxley 40). This caused individuals to believe that monogamy was wrong, and they were able to do this instinctively. Another way that the government prevents monogamy and sexual reproduction is by prohibiting the society in Brave New World to read old books because they want them to “like the new ones” (Huxley 319). Not only would the individual reading the book in the novel not understand what is going on in the old book, but it could possibly cause them to think that monogamy and sexual reproduction was permitted. Therefore, the government attracts them to new ones and prohibits the old ones; to stop people from thinking for

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