Social Stability In Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World portrays a futuristic dystopia where the principles of “community, identity and stability” are illustrated through highly contrasting views on morality to that of today’s society. The induced and illusory stability create through the process of genetic and engineered conditioning, the comparison to the Reservation and the accepted use of drugs (Soma) to induce a state of “happiness”, the author proves that this novel is a clear depiction of what future society is to come if the present is continued to be lived in the way we live it. In this novel, we join the story as a group of young students are receiving a factory tour of the “London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre” from the center’s director, in which …show more content…

“Predestined” embryos are concentrated to become purposeful members of society, “as future sewage workers or future Directors of Hatcheries” (page 6), developed in a matter of hours rather than months and designated a growing space until they become of adult age. While this chilling aspect is in fact a serious and important one for the Brave New World, the eugenic-style of breeding is disturbing for someone raised in today’s society. The whole process seems anti-natural and inhuman, since it has abandoned all current means of natural reproduction and all of the emotional and social aspects around them, replacing them by a cold industry. Ironically enough, our society has already begun studying similar method in which babies are programmed to look the way their parents wish to. Turning back to the novel, a Controller refers to the past society as a primitive and ignorant world. He talks of motherhood and family as a taboo topic hardly spoken of. “Their world didn’t allow them to be sane, virtuous, and happy.” With all the diseases, pain, mothers and lovers, lonely remorse and endless isolating pain, how could they be stable? This is why stable babies have now become the

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