Vaccination Argumentative Essay

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Vaccinations are a complex, yet simple, way to prevent diseases and illnesses in individuals of all ages. With an extremely high effectiveness rate, why are vaccinations constantly being debated?
To be able to understand how vaccinations work, one must know the difference between “vaccines”, “vaccinations”, and “immunization”. A vaccine is the product that produces immunity, vaccinations are the actual injections of the vaccines, and immunity is the process of the body being protected from said disease (“Basics”). Vaccines contain dead or weakened versions of viruses that are injected into the body. Once injected, the body produces antibodies and T-lymphocytes, which are defensive white blood cells, to attack the virus (“Understanding Vaccines and Vaccine Safety”). So why exactly do we inject ourselves with the virus itself? The reason is because our body needs to go through essentially what is a “practice run” in order to be able to produce a defense mechanism for the real thing. Vaccinations mimic diseases to help the body find the right tools and methods of fighting off the diseases so the body is able to become immune to them. Once the body is able to fight off the disease during the “practice run”, the cells used for …show more content…

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 states, “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple” (Holy Bible: The New Revised Standard Version, 1 Cor. 3:16-17). This essentially is saying that whatever tries to harm a person, such as a disease, will be destroyed by God first. Those against vaccinations due to religious reasons may also be concerned with the concept that the vaccinations are “playing God”. If God is the Almighty Healer, why would we need vaccinations to protect and to keep us