Van Gogh Bedroom

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The Van Gogh bedroom exhibit was a showing of his career from the beginning when he began painting in Nuenun with some of his earlier works all the way to the very end when he was in the Saint-Paul asylum. The exhibit mainly highlighted the pinnacle of his career, which was the painting of the three bedrooms. Each one so similar but extremely different if looked at very closely. Through this time frame Van Gogh’s form had drastically changed from when he began with landscape portraits such as “Rural Village at Night”. What characterized his beginning works were dark bleak colors, evident brush marks and noticeable texture from said brush marks. This period was very dark and vapid but once Van Gogh had moved to Paris and began some his other works such as “View from …show more content…

One complaint about the exhibit was the real life representation of the bedroom paintings. I felt as though maybe it could be a display in a history museum because I came to an art museum to look at art not a real life display of what was painted. Also as the exhibit went on there were various other little things that caught my attention such as the paints used in some of Van Gogh’s paintings and his pallet. I was actually stunned that they had such artifacts but again these should be in a history museum. The last part of the Arles section was by far the best because it had a computer where you could examine all three of “The Bedroom” paintings at once. With this I could analyze each work all at once with out having to wait for the slide show to show each individual work. The first of the three had the most vibrant colors, the least amount of detail, very evident brush strokes and lots of texture. The second incorporated a lot more details such as the flooring looking faded at points, the water pitcher having shape and the walls having texture. The final bedroom piece was a combination of the two previous pieces leaning towards more vibrant and solid colors, thicker outlines of objects and less