Verizon Case Study Essay

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Key players in Telecom in the coming year include Verizon, Rocket Fiber, Italia Telecom, IBM partnering with AT&T, and YouTube TV.
Telecommunication in 2018 will focus on improving communication across sectors, including internet, television, and mobile phones.

The telecommunication industry is constantly growing, developing, and striving for cutting edge ways to impact how individuals interact with technology. In response to this question, our research focused on five companies/mergers/movements that are on the forefront of the telecommunication industry. We will discuss these innovations in detail and outline how they are making the biggest impact to this booming industry.

Our research focused on seeking out global companies/mergers/movements in the telecommunication industry that have developed products and services that are making a big impact, or have the potential to make a big impact, in the current market or in the future market. After compiling a list of companies that fit these criteria, we chose to focus in on companies on the list that have the potential to make the biggest impact, including players in various media avenues including television, internet, and phone. The following presents the case studies for our top picks.

1. Verizon …show more content…

Verizon has noted that it plans to combine this acquisition with its current AOL assets to form a mega subsidiary called Oath. This subsidiary will cover over 50 media brands and some 1 billion people globally, making Verizon a very heavy hitter in the telecommunications market this year and in the years to come. Verizon hopes that these moves will allow it to compete with other mega telecommunication giants Google and Facebook. This certainly would reshape the current climate in this