
Video Response Worksheet: World's Most Dangerous Gang

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Video Response Worksheet SOCI 101/ Jonyae Barton 2/8/16 / World’s Most Dangerous Gang
A. Peer Group/ pg. 75: The most influential and powerful group is said to be the peer group, which is mentioned in the textbook. A peer group is a group of individuals who are roughly the same age that are linking common interests and orientations. In the textbook, it gives the reader the example of how young boys and girls grow up teaching one another how to be a female or a male. In the video, a peer group will be considered the gang MS13 because MS13 has attracted many young men and women across the globe. To the members of MS13 this is a better way of living than their normal life. For example, the gangs memo is God, mother, and gang in which you live …show more content…

Jumped-in- when a new comer has to be jumped by members of the gang for no less than 30 seconds
B. Rat- is a person who provides information to someone out of their group such as secrets, evidence and so much more which could lead to destruction of that individual.
C. Turf- is a group’s place of hang out or special spot to do their work and no one else can be around or on …show more content…

100,000. In the video it mentioned there were 100,000 members and MS13 is continuing to grow. I compare this will the teamwork on page 113 because they are organizing and cooperating so that you won’t be able to stop them.
2. What was the “keys” to be in the gang?
A. God, mother, gang, and alcohol
B. Food, women, family, and drugs
C. Recruit, kill, money, and transition
D. Power, men, strengthen, and clothes
The correct answer is C. Recruit, kill, money, and transition. In the video, this was mentioned and this is what the members of the MS13 lived by. I compared this is to ethnomethodology on page 115 because this is all the members of MS13 know and nothing else.
3. What is worth killing for?
A. Power
B. Respect
C. Unity
D. Territory
The correct answer is D. Territory. In the video, this is mentioned whenever describing their turf. I compared this to macrosociology because territory is a something that you gain respect and cooperation with and if you don’t have that it will take a long time to get what you want.
4. How many members protect 33 blocks of one town?
A. 5
B. 47
C. 65
D. 100
The correct answer is C. 65. In the video, it was mentioned that 65 members of MS13 protect 33 blocks. I compared this to the neighborhood on page 80 because MS13 was the neighborhood and they surrounded the people who lived

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