Village Builders

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The lack of external support contributes to the causes of the Achievement Gap. However the African American community collective efforts can improve the learning experience for African American students. Through this projection from the study, the development of the Village Builders strategically organizes the African American community support. In this section, the "Village Builder 's project" illuminates its goal and rationale to justify the project as an answer to the identified problem. Previous research and theories support the project in the literature review. Lastly, an implementation plan and implication of a social change that the Village Builders Project proposes to bring to the societal problem of the Achievement Gap.
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In addition to addressing the problem, the Village Builder’s establishes strong bonds within the African American families as well as the African American community. Through their strategic role, the village mentors will work one on one with the African American student on increasing their motivation for education. Each role addresses the problem in a very nontraditional method. For example: the Elder role motivates the student to read daily through weekly contacts. The Elder also inspires the student to take pride in reading, learn about their heritage and how they can overcome obstacles in order to be successful. Cultural relevant booklist will be provided to the entire village so they are aware of the reading materials that the Elder and student will be reading. The Elder’s role addresses the problem of not having an adult spend time and encouraging them to read. According to this study, the data revealed that the African American students are lacking support and motivation to …show more content…

This person primary responsibility is to oversee the progress of the village by empowering the parent/guardian with resources and strategies to assist the student. This role addresses the problem of the Achievement Gap by equipping the parent with non-traditional methods in providing an intentional educational environment for their child. For instance, setting a power hour for reading on the weekends. As well as being involved in planning classroom events and establishing a relationship with the school. The lack of parental support in various capacities was one of the causes of the Achievement Gap in which the focus groups stressed was a major element. Through the Overseer’s role, parents will learn ways to promote the educational success of their own