Vincent Van Gogh: A Controversial Form Of Art

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Art is the ability to make others see what you see. People look at a painting, and they depict a myriad of colors that are essentially meaningless. But take a longer look, and the colors will come together to tell a story. Whether it’s a traditional oil painting or graffiti on the side of a building, a voice can be heard with each stroke of the brush. The connection between the artist and the creation bleeds through to the audience like a marker would on paper. A piece of art is like a glass wall between the creator and the viewer: it allows the artist to form relationships with the people—even as strangers—through creating and expressing identity. Famous artist Vincent Van Gogh used his art to express his emotions. Suffering from mental …show more content…

Graffiti was first used to “express frustrations in life” (qtd. It might be a controversial form of art, but it speaks to many people. First emerged in New York and Philadelphia, graffiti has spread all the way around the world post-1960s. At first glance, it may seem like the result of pesky vandalism. But it has become the voice of many people in the urban era. It allows people to create identity, share cultural values, redefine spaces, and manufacture inclusive or exclusive relationships. It became a movement often linked to the hip-hop culture. In Europe, the movement rose as a response during student protests. Although graffiti is often viewed negatively, several people such as Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat were recognized as postmodernist artists internationally. Their artworks were put in museums allowing more people to hear their message. Graffiti is a community that only exists as a reaction to a larger culture. Because graffiti is so alienated, it is the product of people who have little representation within the traditional mass media. The radical art form is a cry for validation of identity and is difficult to understand by most people. The main purpose of graffiti is to earn 'respect ' within the graffiti community, while consequently making a social statement in order to gain recognition in the media. Graffiti artists share a common purpose: to make an explosive statement. Political protesting, expression of identity or even just for the sake of creating art, the graffiti subculture is an important part of the urban society, creating relationships among

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