Vindication Of Woman's Rights Essay

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The Vindication of Woman’s Rights by Mary Wollstonecraft (1792) addresses important reason and human rights for woman these are importance element of enlightenment thoughts. Her argument addresses her political and philosophical thoughts on woman right through the lens of enlightenment ideals. She addresses enlightenment philosophies such as reason and human rights. Mary Wollstonecraft advocates for the rights of humankind through her commentary on the education of women. Wollstonecraft argues in her early feminist essay about the right of education that is not gender bound and that women are equal compatibility for education as men. Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of Woman’s Rights a piece of early feminist criticism of the enlightenment …show more content…

Wollstonecraft argues, “But in the education of women, the cultivation of the understanding is always subordinate to the acquirement of some corporeal accomplishment even while enervate by confinement and false notions of modesty (230, NA)”. The greatest misfortune of women is they acquire knowledge of life without objective reason. The challenge that Wollstonecraft states, women only using their commonsense fall prey to prejudice, lacking strong objective truths, and submit to authorities without the skills of reason to analyze other’s …show more content…

Promotes the lives of women their reason and human rights instead of gender bound education that creates inequalities and under cuts human rights. Wollstonecraft argues, “Persuaded that the heart, as well as the understanding, is opened by cultivation; and by, which may not appear so clear, strengthening the organs;(247, NA)”. Women who are educate not only gain reason but stronger physical and mental beings. Enlightenment promotes the expansion of person and reason as the whole person gains higher understanding. The sentiment of enlightenment aligns to Wollstonecraft promotion of woman’s rights. The promotion of all humanities in growth men and women in reason and objective truths of being a