Ving Reflection

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Through student council this past winter, I was introduced to a new type of innovative charity called VING. This organization gives teenagers across the country the opportunity to give back to those in their community that have inspired them in an unique way. A woman who truly inspires me with her spirit of determination, strength, and love immediately came to my mind. My family mentors a woman, Janaee, who has been diagnosed with Leukemia, has two young children, one of whom is partially deaf, and she has been battling financial hardships, faced homelessness, and has fought to maintain custody of her children. The story touched the hearts of those at the VING project so much that they decided to allow me to give Janaee the boost she needed …show more content…

For example, as the Morton High School Student Council President, I was in charge of organizing a student council seminar for many of the high schools in Central Illinois, where the executive director of VING and I were both the keynote speakers. After learning of this unique organization, several other students at my school applied for the charity, and one was even able to present a check to another student. Furthermore, over this past summer, I was offered the opportunity to travel to Chicago and intern at VING for a day (as a VINGtern). This was an exciting experience where I was able to work with their marketing team and provide input regarding their social media marketing strategies and target audiences. Since that visit, I have been contacted by VING requesting further input on developing marketing plans and …show more content…

It gave me a glimpse of what I aspire to do in my future, which is to work in marketing for an organization that strives to make the world a better place, person by person. All of my involvement and experience with VING has been an indescribably rewarding experience by being able to give back and change the life of someone who has so greatly impacted mine. I believe that I grew as a person throughout this entire journey by being given the opportunity to display selflessness, gratitude, and spread love and encouragement. Seeing how this impacted Janaee so positively allowed my desire to give to others grow