Violence And Me: Early Bird Perspectives In Life And In The Media

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In the essay Violence and Me: Early Bird Perspectives in Life and in the Media, the question of why is violence continuously occurring, despite the theory that violence is never the answer, was asked. After gaining in-depth knowledge and accumulating plenty of examples of violence in stories written by an array of authors and in movies, there are several factors that contribute to the use of violence although it may not always be justifiably done. As originally known, there are nine types of violence including physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, spiritual, cultural violence, financial and verbal abuse, and neglect. Many of these are evident simultaneously throughout novels, short stories, and movies. For example, America’s Dream by Esmeralda Santiago depicts various types of violence. This novel example the thought that …show more content…

In Santiago’s novel readers follow the life of a young mother, America, who struggles in her everyday life through many types of violence. America suffers many types of violence mostly at the hand of her boyfriend, Correa. Reader's experience the first act of violence between America and Correa, very early on in the story. The scene describes an altercation between America and a wealthier woman, Yamila. The altercation began when America found her daughter Rosalinda, had run away with Yamila’s son. Correa comes to break up the argument between the two mothers by dragging America away from the property and beating her in front of the neighbors. This act of physical violence was triggered by Correa’s need for control. His reasoning for beating America in front of the neighbors as he had done, was because America had disobeyed him. To support the