Violence For Homeless Women Essay

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Women face violence each day out on the street. Fighting to stay strong to live another day. Women use different tactics to try and survive to face men when they are challenged to do drugs, become a sex worker, and become a victim of rape. Four strategies that help women survive the day yet can also put them at higher risk. Many homeless women are seen as actresses as they choose a technique to perform that day, in hopes that it helps them against negative and violent issues that they face. Women also face many illnesses from basic health issues to chronic diseases and even mental illnesses. A lot of the violent and traumatic events women go through leads majority of them with depression.
The cause of homelessness varies on the individual but research made a connection to women who are in a domestic violence relationship with a spouse/partner and the death of their spouse/partner. This leads them into homelessness due to the lack of funds, because they can no longer affordable housing. The information and all of the research that many researchers have done have informed us that women are the fastest growing population in the United States and the numbers of …show more content…

Social workers are the number one professionals who attend to this population, by providing them with resources like temporary housing, educating about health issues that can occur and leading them in the right direction so that they can one day escape the world of homelessness. Equality is deserved to all human beings that walk this earth and the stigma homeless people receive and the lack of attention they receive including all variations of assistance is not acceptable and it is important to stress that all lives matter even the lives of those who no longer have faith that they even live a life. It is important to spread awareness and to continue to research the issues women face