Violence In A Tale Of Two Cities

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A Tale of Violence… There are shootings in around the world everyday. Whether it’s about threat they hold or even innocent killings people often get angered by these acts when it is not fair to the victims. When experiencing these situations people often want to retaliate which leads them to seek revenge and end in violence. Similarly, In A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, when people experience various situations of being treated unequally they seek revenge and retaliate. In A Tale of Two Cities Dickens portrays that revenge leads to acts of violence by describing that being treated unequally can lead to feelings of revenge and violence has no limits. In the beginning of the book we see a person’s loved one being harmed when Monseigneur the Marquis rides down the streets …show more content…

The Marquis has just run over a child in Saint Antoine. As it goes on the Marquis, “... throws out a gold coin for the [child’s father] to pick up… [but the Marquis] was suddenly disturbed by a coin flying into his carriage.” “ You dogs!” said the Marquis… “ I would ride over any of you, very willingly, and exterminate you from the earth” (85). The Marquis merely throws a coin to the child’s father, Gaspard, which exemplifies how the Nobles don’t have any respect for commoners. The Marquis couldn't care less about the people who he runs over which demonstrates being treated unequal. The Marquis throws the coin to the father but still he throws it back knowing what would happen which is an act of violence. Since the Marquis ran over Gaspard’s son which does not compare to throwing a coin Gaspard decides to , “[drive]... the heart of the stone figure attached to it, was a knife… ‘Drive him fast to his tomb…’”(99). This connects to the claim violence leads to more violence because once the Marquis kills