
Violence In Latin America Essay

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Children shriek while they watch their mother getting battered by their father, recognizing that nothing that they can do. Did you know that violence is growing into significant problem across the globe? Three in every ten children are abused and report it. In Latin-America alone, 40 million children are victims of abuse, violence, and neglect. Children with any incapacity are less inclined to report abuse, and, if they do report abuse they are also less credible. The most likely to be mistreated are African Americans. Asians, by contrast, are the least likely to be abused. in my opinion, violence is becoming a prominent issue since it can be created by social issues and mental illness, it can lead to domestic issues, and there are several widespread types.
Did you know that violence can result from social issues and mental illness? If you have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder you are more prone to perpetrate violent offenses. If you have one of those two, you are eighteen percent more likely to commit a violent crime than the average person, but if you have both you have a thirty-one higher chance to commit violent crimes. If you do drugs you are also very likely to commit a violent crime. Doing drugs make you twenty percent more likely to commit a violent crime than someone who …show more content…

Violence can lead to anxiety, loss of hope, depression, and other social issues (Harvard health). Depression and anxiety also lead to much more severe issues like suicidal thoughts or actions (suicide and prevention). It will often make others think that brutality is acceptable. People frequently abuse people who are smaller or weaker than them because they think that they can’t fight back. It can also make a peaceful conversation turn into a bloodbath over a single remark. This cycle of violence, if not broken, will just continue. If you see any fight anywhere break it up to end the cycle of

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