
Virginia Axline's Code Of Practice Of Play Therapy

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Jean-Jacque Rousseau mentions in his theory in the 1760s how children and young people can be understood and learn about while they are being watched or monitored. In the 1930s children and young people were allowed to play in other to release their stress and help maintain their feelings. Play therapy was also introduced in 1938 to encourage children and young people to use paly to get over their upsetting moments. This concept was taken on board by David Levy who believes that children play through their emotions therefore will be able to heal their own emotional wounds through play.
This method has helped children and young people in current times guiding them to understand their own personality and nature. This is when they are supported by practitioners who apply this therapy. Children may think of their past and present when they are playing as they will explore through many things that they do through their play. This will influence the development of the child in a positive way.
Virginia Axline brought out a code of practice for …show more content…

• Do not attempt to hurry the child through the therapy.
Virginia Axline came about this code by experimenting with a 5year old girl who had an emotional problem because of the happenings in her family. After some sessions with the child, it was realised that the therapy has had a positive impact on the child who had emotional problems. This was because the child had the opportunity to express the feelings and emotion and was able to come over this on her own. It also helped her to come over inappropriate illness which had to do with their emotions development.
Sigmund Freud thought children play to help them master negative emotion, such as anger and anxiety. Freud theory shows that children want to be in control of f events and that the repeats of traumatic experiences children go through in their play and dreams will help them to gain control over their negative

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