Virtue Ethics In Film The Examine Life

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Besides copyrighted issues, graphic designers also follow their individual morals of what they believe as right and wrong. Ethics concerns morality and determines whether a person makes an honest, correct choice. Ethical decisions derive from one designer’s virtue. Ancient virtues include righteousness, morality, integrity, and dignity. Virtue ethics can be holistic as seen in Film The Examine Life, it “includes emotion in the building of character” (Film The Examine Life). Numerous theories that make up ethics, including Utilitarianism, Kantianism, Virtue Theory, etc. According to Immanuel Kant, Utilitarian theory explains how ethics can provide the best outcome. It also discovers ways to react and give full respect to others. Both Utilitarianism …show more content…

The four main approaches include moral realism, subjectivism, emotivism, and prescriptivism. Moral realism is defined as ethical statements that can be based on the idea of real objective moral facts or better yet truths in the universe. The moral realism way to look at the ethical issue would be ‘stealing others’ ideas and receiving credit for your own good is wrong. This is locked in most everyone’s morals and knowledge already. Next is subjectivism. This is defined as one’s feelings or attitudes towards the ethical statement without the factual truths of goodness or badness. Subjectivism is saying ‘I disapprove of stealing others’ ideas and receiving credit for your own good’. This all depends on a person’s judgement and belief. The third perspective is emotivism which is how one would express the feelings: ‘Down with stealing others’ ideas and taking credit for it’. Emotivists would just simply say what they want according to their feelings. The last approach is to look at the dilemma with a prescriptivism. Prescriptivists will give recommendations and advice according to what they believe, for example ‘Don’t steal others’ ideas, come up with your own.’ The methods and strategies provide ways, guiding an artist to understand the ethical dilemma and ways to solve