Visual Field Loss Essay

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It’s a good idea to offer students a “visual” break from time to time and let them participate in less visually demanding activities. This applies to many categories of vision loss, not just reduced visual acuity (ability to view details of an object(s). ________________________________________ Central Visual Field Loss Associated conditions include: Macular degeneration and Stargardt’s. Central visual field loss usually means that there has been some damage to the center part of the retina. A person with this type of loss may experience the following: • Difficulty distinguishing details – The macula is a part of the eye, and forms the center of the retina which enables us to see small details. The macula is used for things like reading …show more content…

This can lead to a child being mistakenly labeled as “inattentive” ________________________________________ Peripheral Visual Field Loss Associated conditions include: Early stages of glaucoma. Peripheral visual field loss is the opposite of a central visual field loss. In this category, it is the periphery (i.e. the edge) of the retina that is damaged. The peripheral retina does not provide us with very sharp visual acuity, instead it is responsible for our awareness of objects around us, and helps us adjust to changing levels of light within the environment. With peripheral visual field loss, a person may experience: • Decreased spatial awareness – They may bump or stumble into objects, or lose the ability to quickly judge the distances between two or more objects - or objects to themselves • Decreased visual efficiency – The peripheral visual fields assist in anticipating where we want our eyes to move next. Without this ability to anticipate, or a decreased awareness of objects to the side of us, there is a decrease in the efficiency of visual skills such as scanning and