Vladimir Lenin Research Paper

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“Workers of the World, Unite!” These words are the motto of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics, otherwise known as the Soviet Union. This nation would pose the greatest threat to the United States following World War II. Even after the fall of communism in the USSR in1991, this conflict which lasted over 40 years and nearly put the world on the brink of nuclear war would not have occurred if it were not for one man’s actions. This man was Vladimir Lenin. Lenin was always fond of the writings of Karl Marx in his book, “Das Kapital” and wanted to implement his ideologies to overthrow the tsarist regime in Russia and establish a communist one-party state. Lenin would face roadblocks throughout his journey into power from exile to assassination attempts. …show more content…

Lenin was born Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov on April 22, 1870, in the town of Simbirsk, Russia, which would later be renamed “Ulyanovsk” in his honor. It would not be until 1901 when he would change his name to Lenin while doing underground communist work. Education was very important to Lenin during his childhood. Being the child of educated parents, Lenin would finish school at the top of his class. There were many things that happened during Lenin’s childhood which would influence him when he would become an adult. One of these events was when Lenin was a boy and was with his father, who was inspector of schools in Russia, and was threatened with early retirement by the government, due to the fact of suspicious influences on the children and on Russian society. One event that would truly shape Lenin would be when his older brother, Aleksandr, was arrested and executed for being part of an assassination plot to kill Emperor Alexander III. Being that his father had passed