Vocation Rehabilitation Act 1973

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Vocation Rehabilitation Act 1973
The 60’s and 70’s were definitely a time of removing discrimination against all kinds of people. The 60’s had acts passed such as the Civil Rights Act, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and the Age Discrimination Act. Although it was unsuccessful, the Equal Rights Amendment was sent to the states to be ratified in 1972. The Vocational Rehabilitation Act was the next step towards total equality. This act states that no one can be discriminated against because of a disability in most circumstances. Students are not allowed to be excluded from schools because of a disability of any kind. The school would have to adjust to the student if one with a disability applied. Before this law was passed, schools …show more content…

It took place in Wounded Knee, South Dakota, which was also the location of a major Indian massacre in 1890 by United States soldiers. A few years prior, the American Indian Movement, abbreviated AIM, was formed as a way to help prevent discrimination and harassment from police towards Indians. They took some of the ideals of the students protesting the Vietnam War, thus leading to a group with a majority of younger people. Some of the major leaders of the tribes, however, thought that the group was taking things farther than needed. Dick Wilson, tribal chairman of the Sioux, and his conservative viewpoints were inevitably going to be removed from power. He soon learned of a protest at Pine Ridge against him, so he immediately fell back to tribal headquarters where he would be protected. However, the protesters from AIM did not actually come after him. They chose to claim Wounded Knee instead, where the massacre had taken place 83 years prior. Wilson, unable to allow this, used assistance from the federal troops to try to take Wounded Knee back. Day after day, the two sides fired shot after shot at each other. The troops attempted to starve them out of the town by setting up roadblocks as well. When some of the outside activists attempted a food drop to the AIM members at Wounded Knee, they clearly left their buildings and cover to get the food crates. The federal troops used this opportunity though to kill several of them. After a few of the more important members of AIM had been killed, the group eventually gave up. On May 5, both the federal troops and the AIM members agreed to disarm. After three days of the Indians leaving the town, the conflict officially ended on May 8, 1973. To ensure a peaceful transition, the government had to take temporary control of the

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