Vuletic's Article On Morality Independent Of Religion

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Chapter 4 of our reading and the article written by Vuletic concluded that morality is independent of religion. In the article written by Vuletic, he pointed out why this statement isn’t true. He pointed out that some people who believe morality is not independent of religion believe that since you do not believe in God, you are not a good person. They follow this insert from Psalms 14:1: “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.” People who follow this do not believe any atheist is good. They do not believe they have good hearts, and if they refrain from doing bad behaviors such as murder, rape, ad theft, they are not engaging in these things because they are afraid of getting caught and punished. If religion and morally were dependent, we would believe that all atheist are bad people. As we all know, atheists are regular people. Some are good while others are bad. We have seen throughout history that atheists can set very high standards of conduct for themselves. They are even role models. Knowing this, we can conclude that morally and religion are two separate things. …show more content…

An example that they used to prove why this is stating why we should not follow the Divine Command Theory using child abuse as an example. The Divine Command Theory is, “Actions that God commands us to do are morally required; actions that God forbids us to do are morally wrong; and all other actions are morally neutral” (page 51). God could make it so child abuse is right. If God said it, then it is true. We all know child abuse is not okay, but if religion and morality are not separate, we would have to obey by whatever God said is