Vygotsky's Social Relevant Theory Analysis

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This chapter presents the relevant theories, related literature and studies containing concepts, ideas and background information that are connected to the studys theme which were reviewed to attain a clearer perspective and to arrive at an adequate background of the study.
Relevant Theory The study will directly anchor into Vygotsky 's socio-constructivist theory (1978) the theory emphasis is in the mental functions that are acquired through social relationship; learning takes when child interacts with peers and adults in a social setting as they act upon the environment; children learn by internalizing activities conducted on the word around them. It suggests that children emulate behaviors and incorporate them into their existing structures of knowledge when they are exposed to new situations in which they can actually interact with others.
Vygotskys theory is one of the foundations of constructivism. It asserts three major themes:
1. Social interaction plays a fundamental role in the process of coognitive development. In contrast to Jean Piaget 's understanding of child development (in which development necessarily precedes learning), Vygotsky felt social learning precedes development. He states:" every function in the child 's cultural development appears twice: first on the social level, and later, on …show more content…

Thus, childrens development of language and literacy processes reflects the total cultural milieu in which they are raised (Bodrova & Leong, 1996). Therefore the relationship between social context and literacy development is based firmly on language, as supportive adults help young children reach higher levels of learning through scaffoldingassisting young learners with initial attempts at a