Wall Street Swot Analysis Essay

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Questions: Wall Street

1a) Bull market – This is a market where share prices are rising and so buying is encouraged
b) Bear market – This is a market where share prices are falling and so selling is encouraged
c) Take-over – This is where a company makes an offer to another companies shareholders to buy their shares in order to take control of the company
d) Merger – This is when one business combines/merges with another business
e) Asset stripping – This is when a company/someone buys a company that is in financial difficulties and sells all of its assets separately at a profit without regarding the companies future
f) Greenmail – Buying a large amount of shares in a company and then threatening to take it over so that the company …show more content…

b) Hedging – A way of reducing the risk in an investment
c) Bailout – This is when a failing company is given money in order to save it
d) Money laundering – Hiding illegally obtained money
e) Commodity – any good exchanged during commerce

22) Moore says the African government is taking over the company this process is known as nationalisation

23) No, he had no inside information, he just spread a rumour. This means that Moore wasn’t insider trading but the people who thought the rumour true were.

24) James offers Moore a job as he seems him as a valuable asset, Moore accepts because he seeks to avenge Zable

25) It is more about stock manipulation rather than insider

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