Wally Amos Accomplishments

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The Recipe for Achievement Wally Amos is a very well-known business owner. He stated making cookies at a very young age his grandmother use to make it for him all the time back in 1948. He thought the recipe was good, he decided to make it his own. At first it was hard and he didn’t have a lot of money so he dropped out of high school and went to the air force. When he came back to the USA, he started out on a minimum wage job he worked at that job for about 8 years. His boss man thought he was the hardest worker, so he got promoted, but at that time he was already ready for something bigger, better. He moved on to do what he loves most (cooking).
After he left Saks and joined William Morris Talent Agency they helped him. In many ways. “In …show more content…

He worked so hard for everything that he did with his business. “Amos won the Horatio Alger Award”. (“Fisher”page63). He told Brenna Fisher that “Everything came down on him and he didn’t know what to do, but he knew to keep his head up. He even lost his home in Hawaii”. (“Fisher”page63). He was months behind on payments, but he still didn’t want to give up. So he had to be strong. He had a friend that said he would help him in his hard times, and so he did. He got his home back. “The same home that he lives in now with his wife, Christine. When Amos is going through a hard time in life”. (“Fisher”page63.) he says “it’s like being in quicksand: If you become too conscious of what’s happening to you, you’ll sink in a second, but if you can remain calm long enough and focus on the answer… you will find support and help that lift you up”.(“Amos Wally”page63.)You see life doesn’t have to be so hard its only how you make it. You can start with nothing and end with a whole lot of something. Amos shows that everyone can follow their dreams, and be who they want to be, but at the end of the day you have responsibly to follow, and if you lose sight of what you are doing you can lose all you got. Just