War And Intellect In Ender's Game

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the hook the author used to keep the reader wanting to read Ender's Game Was getting the Reader to want to see what Ender becomes at the end of the book.The theme to Ender's Game is about war and intellect. Ender had a monitor on the back of his neck once it got taken off a bully and his crew came to beat up Ender than Ender took down the leader of the group and did something so the others wouldn't seek revenge, after that graff came and talked to Ender to join battle School Ender said yes. once Ender got to B.S. he started out as a launchie and then went to salamander Army. after Ender became the number one soldier in battle School he was given a army called Dragon Army. After Ender beat Bonzo in a war fight Bonzo attacked Ender in the showers where Ender killed Bonzo by accident after that Ender went to Earth and talked to Valentine then went to Eros where Ender commanded a fleet to fight the buggers when Ender didn't know he was fighting a war. after Ender destroyed the bugger Planet he was told the game was real and Ender went into a breakdown after his break down he found a bugger Queen on …show more content…

Ender the main character it's supposed to be the hero of the story who takes out the buggers and prevents all future Wars which he does take out the buggers but since then he feels bad for taking out an entire species and find us a bugger Queen and makes a promise to find a new planet for the buggers to inhabit and then there is Valentine Ender's sister when Ender left for battle school she was heartbroken but why lender was in battle School she started doing her own thing on the internet with her other brother And was talking to people on websites about the war that could happen on

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