War In Apocalypse Now

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“Apocalypse Now” from 1979 is a movie about the captain of the special forces in the Vietnam war, Benjamin Willards. He is commanded to kill the American warrior Kurtz. We tail him and the other troopers in the war on their approach to trace Kurtz. At the point when the war was going ahead there were diverse perspectives on whether it ought to continue or be stopped. The war was hard on the warriors that mostly wanted it to end due to the mental damages that now hunted them. In “Apocalypse Now” it is already shown at the opening scene, where Benjamin Willards says: “When I was here, I wanted to be there. When I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle.” The phrase evidently demonstrates that the soldiers experience serious difficulties determining purpose in their lives since the war began. The same theory is reinforced at the end, when Willard had killed Kurtz. Willard expresses: “Everybody wanted me to do it. Him most of all. I felt like he was up there waiting for me to take the pain away.“ In any case, that is by no means not the only way to take a gander at the war. The American government took a gander at the Vietnam War in another manner. …show more content…

Kennedy regarding Americas obligation to enable Vietnam to battle against communism. They, as well as America, shares esteems, such as living in a free world where their votes and voices will be heard. America needs to demonstrate that they are a solid nation that is resolved to help countries in distress. Accordingly, this was the explanation why Kennedy kept deploying additional troops to the war. Now this generates the question whether he did not care about the severe psychological damages the warriors were experiencing or if “Apocalypse Now” depicted their welfare