War On Chicken Summary

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The documentary was informative about information that is discussed globally, but is not explained in full detail about the negative aspects that non-political people actually see. For example, the “war on drugs,” was originally started by President Nixon. The rumored main objective was to throw black people away and antiwar left. I believe that white people were fearful of black people after the 13th amendment was passed, which formally ended slavery in 1865. From 1865 till now, some people still express that fear because black people have all the freedoms and rights that everyone else has. One of the reasons for making marijuana illegal, was to avoid white woman and black men from being social and interacting with one another. After President …show more content…

Not all white cops are racist. There are plenty of races that are ignorant and cruel to white people because they believe that all white people are the same. For example, Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman who is of Hispanic descent is only half white and has black ancestry. Officer Jeronimo Yanez who killed Philando Castile is also Hispanic. Those 2 crimes were extremely popular in the media and comments about white cops were everyone. Unfortunately, white police officers are still considered racist and can get away with murder. Yet, there are police officers of every race, ethnicity, or religion. If a person is not responding or complying to an officers’ demand, the officer has the right to use his or her firearm. Sadly, when an officer uses their firearm, their objective is shoot to kill, not shoot to harm. Even though I don’t agree with the verdict of Eric Garner’s case, the police officer did not use a proper chokehold. Even though Garner kept saying that he could not breath, a cop cannot take that statement genuinely because of the what ifs. For example, what if Garner was faking that he could not breath so he could flee the scene, or what if he had a weapon. Although not all white cops are prejudice against black people, there is no denying that all police officers abuse their authority. Furthermore, police officers always have a gun, not all citizens