Was Capulet To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, Juliet Capulet is the one to blame for the many lives lost in this play is . The first reason is that she had continued to go after the guy she “loved”, even after she had been told not to by practically her entire family. In act 1, scene v, the Nurse says “His name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only son of your great enemy”. This is one reason why the tragic ending is Juliet’s fault because even the Nurse had warned and expplained to her that Romeo was the only son that her families rivals had, and basically had stated that its the one person out there that she shouldn’t be with, due to him being the only enemy she would even be able to consider to be with.
The second reason that the character Juliet Capulet was the most at fault for the tragic ending is that she had even questioned the plan that her and Friar Lawrence set up herself, and she still continued to go along with it. In act IV, scene iii, Juliet Capulet says “How if, when I am laid into the tomb, I …show more content…

In act V, scene iii, Romeo says “Here’s to my love! [Drinks.] O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die”. This is the last reason that Juliet Capulet is at fault for the tragic ending because if she would have told him about her and Friar Lawrence’s plan as soon as they made it, he would have knows that she was only going to be asleep temporarily and would have eventually woken up, and he wouldn’t have thought that she was dead. Since she hadn’t told him soon enough, he ended up killing himself in the name of “love”, when in reality if he would have known then he wouldn’t have killed himself because then he would have known that the plan would have allowed them to be