Was King Tut's Motive For The Death Of King Akhenaten

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1341 B.C.E, this was the time when the Pharaoh king Tutankhaten was born. Son to the king of Egypt Akhenaten and his mother called “The Younger Lady” Tut would be the next king. The name Tutankhaten meant “The Living image of Atun”. After his father’s death King Tut become a Pharaoh at the age of nine around 1333 B.C and was given two advisers to aid him. His two advisers were his grandfather Grand Vizier Aye and General Horemheb. Tut also had married his half-sister Ankhesenamun. During his time on the throne, the young Pharaoh decided to reverse the extreme trend of his father Akhenaten and moved the capital of Egypt back to Thebes. In addition, he also restored the tradition of the gods as Amun became the head of the gods again. He then …show more content…

It seems to be that King Tut’s death was unnatural due to the fact that there are evidence of blows to the back of the head. But who killed him? And why did the person have to motive to kill a Pharaoh? One theory has suggested that the person who wanted to kill or have killed Tut is the one of the advisers, Grand Vizier Aye. Ever since King Tut became Pharaoh, he was guided by Grand Vizier Aye and General Horemheb. It had seemed like Grand Vizier Aye liked having power and became anxious when his power shrunk. In the artifact J2 it states “If that was not cause for great enough concern, his other adviser and grandfather, the Grand Vizier Aye, has made it quite clear that he is jealous over the fortunes of his grandson, and greatly enjoyed when he was entrusted with the Pharaoh’s authority while Tutankhamen was growing up. Now that he has seen his power shrink, Aye has become restless”. This shows one reason why Aye wanted Tut …show more content…

He says that there is nothing to look into. Aye believes that it is better to pray and mourn for Tut rather than finding out who the killer was. In the artifact N2 it states “Though some are suspicious of the events that surround King Tutankhamen’s Death, his Grand Vizier, Aye, says that they will not investigate into the causes of his death “The Pharaoh's death is a tragedy” As current ruler of Egypt, I feel there is nothing that needs looking into, and we should all focus on the prayers and proceedings to help our beloved Tutankhamen on his journey into the afterlife…” says Aye”.. This shows that Grand Vizier is hiding something because of the fact that he wouldn’t even try to investigate further in his GRANDSON’S