How Do Advertisers Negatively Affecting Youth

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Advertisers are negatively affecting the lives of youth by using ads. For example some companies are trying to get into kids minds in the multiple environment that the teens and other age groups are in.(Nathan Brazley) Another example is food companies trying to get you to eat their food that is unhealthy and could make you obese if you eat it everyday.(Buruce Horovitz, Anna Lappé) One of the other ways is that the companies are making you attracted to ads that will enhance you to eat or buy their food and products.(Anna Lappé)

So during the ride to school just how many ads do you see? A lot of ads are around you on your way to school and at school.(Nathan Brazley ) So a lot of ads are at school but where are they? Well if there's a vending machine or a soda machine or even posters about food or drink,(Anna Lappé) that's advertising to youth and adults. Ads can also be used in buying school supplies by shopping at a store, that is one way but their are many other like our buying power. Our buying power is how companies get us to nag our parents to shop somewhere to spend money to get gym equipment.(Nathan Brazley) …show more content…

But is the food,advertised by the clown, really all that good or is it unhealthy and the advertisers using the clown to catch kids so the parents will spend their money there from the kids nagging them? (Bruce Horovitz) While Ronald helps the community does he really help if he promotes unhealthy food? “McDonald's-which recently announced it will modify its happy meals in September by reducing the number of fries and adding apple slices-has no plans to dump Ronald McDonald.”(Bruce Horovitz) If they have no plans to dump Ronald(Bruce Horovitz) how will that help stop promoting unhealthy