
We Arent All A Size 6 Research Paper

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We Aren’t All A Size 6
With technology advancing and social media integrating its way into our daily lives, we’ve become dependent on consuming enormous amounts of media. The beauty industry has used this to their advantage by promoting the “ideal body” on apps, websites, and other social media platforms. With the rise of image based social media platforms like Instagram and Tumblr, teens are constantly exposed to images of "ideal" bodies. Individuals are suffering negative effects since the beauty industry isn’t offering enough body diversity. Women and men who are above the size 6 aren’t represented. This hurts their self image and often leads to depression, eating disorders, and self harm. We have to focus on encouraging body positivity …show more content…

The movement began on social media with the help from plus size model Tess Holliday. The size 20 model was the first ever model of her size to be signed to a major modeling agency. Later that year she was featured on People magazine. Many people swarmed her Instagram and she become the new representative for the plus size community overnight. Realizing how important body posity was she created the #effyourbeautystandards campaign. The movement is bringing light to how harmful the beauty industry's lack of body diversity. It lets women of all sizes be represented in the beauty industry. Teen scrolling through their newsfeed will see women just like them, this helps them gain body confidence. “In London, Mayor Sadiq Khan has banned advertising images that promote unrealistic body images from the city's transit system” (Yaeger). Changes like these are happening slowly but they need to continue happening so that teens won't develop depression, anorexia and binge eating disorders. They will no longer carry the bad habits that impacted them during the most crucial phase of their lives. They instead can transfer into adulthood with a positive healthy mindset. It's time for teens to look in the mirror with a new attitude so they can begin the journey of self love and

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