Website Evaluation Paper

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When looking into a webpage to evaluate, I have chosen the National Geographic website. I have consulted Kathy Schrock’s ABC’s of Website Evaluation when considering the strengths and weaknesses of the site. First, I evaluated the strengths of the site. Schrock has a list of criteria that should be followed when evaluating a website. One is authority. According to the ABC’s of Website Evaluation there are a certain criteria that need to be identified in order to consider the website creditable. First, the website needs to be one that is well recognized. Next, background on the author(s) of the site should be found somewhere within the site. And finally, there should be an address that you are able to email for questions, comments, or concerns (Schrock, 2002). The site also has a date that it was created and updated. It is solid in …show more content…

Websites are updated and grow daily. Though it is nice to get a plethora of information on multiple topics from one search site, it can often be too much information. When one click leads to another portion of the site, and another click leads somewhere else, and soon you are no longer on the original site can pose problems. It can make citations more difficult and can lead to less reputable sites. This is the case for the National Geographic website. Also, quantity of information is a weakness of the site. There is a great deal of information loaded onto the site and before you know it you are no longer even on the National Geographic website after just a few clicks. Efficiency may also pose a problem for this site. There are a lot of interactive maps, activities, and games that the site offers. It would be in the best interest of the teacher to make note of the times of the day the site seems to be slower if using the site as part of a lesson, according to Schrock’s ABC’s of Website Evaluation (Schrock,