Were Andrew Jackson's Opponents Justified In Calling Him The King?

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Were Andrew Jackson’s opponents justified In calling him King Andrew Essay. By Lexi Localzo Yes, I think his opponents were justified in calling him King Andrew. Because he was hypocritical and hot-headed, He started the Trail of Tears, and lastly, Andrew Jackson did not like it when other people had different opinions. I think because of these reasons they had a right to call him King Andrew. Because a lot of his actions were close to a monarch. Firstly he was very hypocritical and was outraged when John Quincy Adams was made President. He changed the secretary of state to Henry Clay because Clay and Quincy were thought to have made a deal stating that Clay would promote Quincy if he was moved to the secretary. And this may have sounded unfair, but Andrew Jackson did the same thing. He yelled and protested saying it was unfair and a corrupt bargain but once he was in power he moved almost 200 of the state's officials and replaced them with his supporters. And some of his supporters even called it the spoils system. This created the spoils system. Nice going Andrew Jackson. …show more content…

And In 1830 he signed off on the Indian Removal Act. Which was the act to exchange Native American Land for Land out west. But this act was only stating that they would negotiate with the Native Americans. They could not move them by force or persuasion. But Andrew Jackson and his government did not listen to these rules and frequently bypassed the law by forcing Native Americans to move from the land the Native Americans had lived on long before the Americans. Causing many Native Americans to have to move down west. With little to no Supplies and no help from the government. This caused a lot of innocent Native Americans to die or get very ill because of the long journey during the