Whales Should Not Be Allowed In Captivity Research Paper

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Some people think, that whales should be kept in captivity, but I believe whales do not have a voice, so we will be a voice for them. Whales are wild animals, whales are not a threat to humans, and finally there is not a high demand for whale food.

Whales are wild animals. They should not be kept in cages, no one considered how they feel in being in a small space. The important thing to notice about this is that whales are huge animals, they need lots of space for them to be free. But when they are kept in a space where it is small for there size, it is just not right. There has been a long disagreement about whales in captivity. I am writing to tell you that, you should not have the right to take whales lives for granted. Although hundreds of whales are kept in captivity. No one is doing anything about it to help. …show more content…

If no one has humans in cages, why should the whales be? If they live there life in there natural habitat they can be free to be whales, which means they learn how to be a whale. This shows that, whales are not raised in an area that is man-made. Whales are free, they are raised in a space where humans do not have access. In other words, they can learn how to capture their own food, and finally be with there own kind. “Since 1986, over 25,000 whales have been murdered legally for “scientific research. According to, peta.org some zoos abuse their animals which means they keep them in small and confined spaces. This proves that they should be aloud to be free, in the ocean they are in there own habitat where they can have their own choices. Being in captivity means your space is very limited. Think about it from a whale's perspective being in the ocean is so big, the ocean is 62.46 million

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