
What Are President Franklin D. Roosevelt's 3rs: Relief, Recovery And Reform

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President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a series of programs that were authorized in the United States between 1933 and 1936. The aforementioned programs were a response to the Great Depression and addressed what is popularly known as the “3Rs”: Relief, Recovery and Reform. The three Rs would ensure relieving the unemployment levels and the poor; recovering the economy to the normal levels; and reformation of the financial system to stop another depression.
The New Deal secured a repositioning of the Democratic Party involving new ideas, industrialization, and labors unions with the resurgence of ethnic minorities. The Republicans were against the New Deal that would create enemies of business and growth, because it meant making amends and creating efficiency. The ones that supported the New Deal were considered liberal, while the opposing party was known as conservatives. There were two deals established the “First New Deal from 1933 to 1934 and the second one, which was considered more controversial and liberal. …show more content…

At that point it was established the Emergency Relief administration, that provided five hundred million in relief for assistance by entities, while the Civil Works administration provided money to work projects. The second new deal that transpired between 1935 until 1938 included the Wagner Act that ensure the promotion of labor unions. The development of the aforementioned program created relief making the federal agencies by far the highest employer at the time. Social Security Act aided tenant farmers and migrant workers. The second New Deal also created the Housing Authority and Farm Security that developed in 1937, and secure the Fair Labor Standards Act, that set maximum hours and minimum wages for most

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