What Are The Benefits Of British Imperialism

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Britain in the mid 1800’s was eager for expansion, as well as many products and resources that weren't available in their region at the time. Throughout Britain's history imperialism is shown everywhere. From taking land in the Americas, along with other European countries, to taking land in Asia and Africa, imperialism has always played a major role in the formation of the British empire. Many countries such as India fell victim to British imperialism, because of Britians want of resources. This British yearning of resources caused Britain to take over India, leading into a series of events until Indian nationalism occurred known as the Sepoy Mutiny. British imperialism was strong throughout the 1800’s, and vulnerable countries without stable governments were the British first target. Not only vulnerable countries were on Britain's hit list, but countries such as India that were rich in resources with a vast and never ending supply. Britain benefited from colonising India in many ways, but in the end India …show more content…

Natural resources were a main benefit from the colonising of India. The resources gained consisted of spices, the trade of cotton for clothes, fine skills, cheap labor, coal, and tea. Many of these resources weren't available in Britain's empire until now. So resources, of course was a major benefit of British imperialism. Another benefit Britain gained, was they had the ability to trade. Without trade, many resources wouldn't have been acclaimed by Britain. Trade and resources were two benefits of British imperialism in India. These two benefits boosted Britain, economically as well as socially. But Britain's imperialism also allowed the British to tax the Indians. The taxation of the British in India causes uproar and started the ignition of the Sepoy mutiny. Although the British gained from this in the short run, in the end it wasn’t in Britain best

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