
What Are The Causes Of The American Revolution

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The American revolution is one of the most substantial landmark in the history of the world.
The American revolution which took place between 1775 and 1783 is also known as the U.S. war of independence or American Revolutionary war, was a colonial revolt. It was one of the first revolt against British taxes and trade revolution. It was the first time in history that people came together and fought together for their independence, for their rule of law, for their constitutional rights etc. The starting of the American revolution can be seen from the 1973 when the British authorities started to increment the imperial reins. Once this started, the pleasant relation between the British and its colonies broke and started a revolt against the British. There were many such events thatled to the outbreak American revolution. Some of them are mentioned below-
Sugar Act, 1764 …show more content…

It was a tax increasing act. The act was passed to introduce a tax on sugar and molasses which was imported into the colonies. The Sugar Act was mainly about the manufacturing of rum which was a highly demanded and profitable product. The Sugar Act was seen as to have a bad impact on the Colonial America and was one of the main reasons for the starting of opposition and revolt in the colonies when it was more rigorously enforced.
Navigation Act, 1651
The navigation act sought to restraint the colonial shipping. It stipulated that no goods manufactured in Asia, Africa or America could be imported into England or the Territories thereof, except in ships of which the owner and a major part of the mariners were English. Apart from this the British also restricted on the following- import trade, export trade, manufacture, customs, currency and land or westward expansion. The act was tightened up by subsequent legislations.
Currency Act,

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